ModelArchive serves as a repository and archive for computational structure models that are not based on experimental data. It complements the PDB archive for experimental structures and PDB-IHM for integrative structures.
The main purpose of ModelArchive is to enable scientific reproducibility and maximise the potential reuse of models. Depositors are required to provide a minimum set of information about the modelling procedure and the expected accuracy of the results. A unique, stable accession code (DOI) is provided for each deposited model, which can be directly referenced in the corresponding manuscripts.
The development of ModelArchive is supported by the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
ModelArchive is an ELIXIR Deposition Database and is part of the ELIXIR infrastructure.
If you use this resource, please cite the following paper:
ModelArchive: a deposition database for computational macromolecular structural models. JMB (2025)